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Awww Honey, You Blogged!

I truly cannot believe I haven’t published a blog post since March! How neglectful of me. Well, all of that is about to change. I’m getting my act together and finally publishing on a schedule, starting now. More on that later…

So what have I been up to? Well, work. I’m sure you’ve heard it before if you read design blogs. Client work, family obligations, and the like always seem to take precedence (as they should) over writing. Yes, I’ve been busy, and it’s been a great year so far. In the spring, I participated in my first show house, with the Junior League of Boston. I created a mother-in-law bedroom, transforming this:

Into this:

I’ve also been blessed to work with some wonderful clients this year. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen some of these projects in progress. I love to share fabric schemes, install sneak peeks, and the things that inspire me that I encounter in my day-to-day life.

And, I have some exciting top-secret news that will be forthcoming in about 5-6 weeks! Something else that happened in the spring that I can’t tell you about…yet :). P.S. It is not a pregnancy. As much as I LOVE decorating nurseries, this factory is closed. Permanently. Like, condemned with a big red X on the door awaiting the wrecking ball. P.P.S. I love my boys to pieces – they are 5 and 2 now; how did this happen?

I’d be honored if you joined me on my blog journey as I work toward refocusing on my original purpose. That mission was to become a resource and inspiration for young families trying to decorate their homes with high style and quality, while designing them to be functional, durable, low-maintenance, and ready to grow with them.

I will be posting twice a week – on Tuesdays and Fridays (with possible modifications during special times, like the One Room Challenge, which I’ll be participating in for the third time starting on October 5th!).

If you haven’t subscribed yet, please do so near the top of the right-hand column, and you won’t miss a thing. I’m so excited to dust off a long list of ideas I’ve had for the blog, and I can’t wait to share them with you.

There are a few other places you can follow along, in case you are new here (welcome!), here they are:

1. Facebook

2. Instagram

3. Twitter

I am also reviving and revamping my Kelly Rogers Interiors email newsletter, which you can sign up for on my business website.

Sooo, thanks for hanging in there with me, and I hope to “see” you again here on Friday (Fri-yay!).

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