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Best Of E-Design

Recently I’ve been incredibly inspired, and encouraged, by the quality of “e-designed” residential interiors – that is, spaces that were designed and decorated by a professional from afar, without ever setting foot in the room (and usually, without ever speaking with the client). As I develop my business plan, I definitely see this as a core part of my offering. Not because I don’t love to work with clients in person, but because many projects can be done more efficiently this way, and it gives people access to the designer they love even if they don’t live in their area.

Here are some “after” results, along with their accompanying client deliverables, from e-design projects by a few of my favorite designers and decorators.


Instant/Space  – Betsy Burnham’s online design arm. Berlin residence family room & kitchen (as featured in the May 2012 issue of Better Homes & Gardens)

Photo source: Author’s pictures of 5/12 issue of Better Homes & Gardens


Erin Gates Design. Better known as the Boston-based powerhouse behind popular design blog Elements of Style. In fact, most of her e-design clients come through her blog. Here is her most recent featured room, for a client in Pennsylvania.

Photo source: Elements of Style Blog


Emily A. Clark Interiors. Another entrepreneur who parlayed the success of her blog into a booming decorating business. Though the photography is not professional, I love the modern, yet appropriately juvenile treatment of this shared kids room, which was an online design project.

Photo source: Emily A. Clark


What do you think of these remotely-decorated interiors? Would you do an e-design project, either as a client, or a designer? What would your concerns be about engaging a professional in this way? (Author’s disclosure: I may be doing some informal market research 🙂 )

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