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Design Thinking for the Real World – 4/14/12

Lately I’ve read on a couple of different design blogs that nursery themes are now considered passe. I have to admit I was surprised by this. I’ve written many posts on themes for baby rooms, including my own son’s Yellow Submarine nursery, and stand by them. We can agree to disagree.

Today’s Design Thinking for the Real World manifesto is…

Seriously, who cares what other people think?

When it comes to professionally designed nurseries, my main beef is that they are often too, well, designed. Some even look like an adult lives there. A nursery, to me, should work like a good educational toy – it is sturdy, developmentally appropriate, maybe colorful, and above all FUN for your baby to be in.

If you like it, do it. If something looks beautiful to you, go for it. Think about what your little one would love and put that in her nursery. Your whole family will be spending a lot of time in there – make it enjoyable, durable, comfortable, and as they would say in the marketing world, customer-centric…and you know who the customer is in this case.

Related content:

Quinlan’s Yellow Submarine Nursery

Oh Baby: 7 Steps to Decorating a Unique Nursery

Nursery Theme Thursday archive

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