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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Magnetic Wallcovering from Weitzner

Can it be considered a ‘find’ if it’s been around for over 5 years? Well, I just found it. And now I want to use it everywhere!

Today’s #FFFFind is a range of magnetic wallcoverings from Weitzner.

While I love (and use) an upholstered pinboard, magnets are much easier, and of course safer for kids to use. The “Magnetism” product is a finely woven linen on the face, backed with the magical magnetic layer that transforms what looks like a luxe upholstered wall (or part of a wall) into mission control, a rotating art display, or game central.

It comes in a variety of colors, with both neutral and vibrant options. Bonus: Magnetism has a stain-resistant finish, AND it has many eco-friendly/green properties.



Magnetism is available through Kelly Rogers Interiors – please reach out for pricing and availability!



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