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One Down, Ten To Go (!!??)

Tonight I handed in my final portfolio for my first class in my Residential Interiors course of study. It felt like a big accomplishment – until I was reminded how many classes remain (10 more! – better than the ’15’ someone mentioned…I just double-checked after near cardiac arrest).

I just completed the introductory drawing class, where we learned how to draft floor plans and orthographic projections (elevation drawings), then decorate and render them. While it isn’t a designing/studio class per se, it was fun to tackle the final portfolio project in that way, getting back to my client problem-solving roots while applying the creativity I’ve had to suppress, somewhat, as a ‘suit’ in the advertising business. By the way – we rarely wore suits :).

Here’s one example of a decorated and rendered elevation I prepared for my portfolio.

Our professor brought some cheese, crackers, cookies and strawberries for our pin up and critique, in celebration of the conclusion of the class. I couldn’t resist taking home one of these clever cocktail napkins that she also brought along…

Cheers to you, and thanks for coming along with me on this journey! I start my color theory class in a few weeks – until then, I should have a bit more time for blogging…

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