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One Room Challenge Week 1: Six Weeks, One Bedroom, Two Sisters!

One Room Challenge Week 1: Six Weeks, One Bedroom, Two Girls! | Interiors for Families | Kelly Rogers Interiors

Welcome to the Spring 2017 One Room Challenge – where design bloggers completely transform a space in just six weeks, documenting the process on their blogs, and revealing a brand new room at the end. I’m Kelly Rogers of Kelly Rogers Interiors, and this is my blog, Interiors for Families, where ‘grown-up’ style meets durability and practicality – welcome!

Up until a few weeks ago, I had assumed I’d be on ORC hiatus this year. In about a week and a half, we are beginning a major renovation on our house, which will also create a major, and lengthy disruption. In six weeks, maybe demo will be finished – ha ha. I’m obviously on a much different timeframe for that. [I’ll be blogging (and Instagramming) a lot about that process in the weeks and months to come!]

Side note on that…I’ll not be touching the three rooms I’ve transformed in past seasons of the ORC; no renovations needed there; I love them as they are! To recap, they are:

Project Vestibule – Spring 2015


Project Manbrary – Fall 2015


Project Perfect Landing – Fall 2016


So this time around, I’m taking on a project outside my home!

A new client was game for jumping on board the ORC crazy train with me – which was pretty smart, because their project will get done super-fast! I’ve never done this with a client before, and I’m really excited about it. Another exciting thing – I get to do a girls’ bedroom! As the mom of two young boys (and nada mas!), I love nothing more than to live vicariously through decorating the rooms of other people’s daughters :).


This may look like a shared girls’ bedroom, but it is actually technically the room of just one of the sisters, who is six years old – my real client :). Her eight-year old sis has her own bedroom upstairs on the third floor, but they sleep together there in the second floor bedroom. How sweet is that?! The time has come to bring this space from a soft and sweet nursery to a vibrant, whimsical, and aged-up bedroom where two girls sleep…and will be all grown up in the blink of an eye.


This client’s home happens to be built the same year as mine (1896), so I know my way around a non-functional Victorian bedroom fireplace :). Note the ubiquitous pastel braided rug…who didn’t buy this for a baby girl’s room over the past 15 years??


Honestly, I’ve never seen Pottery Barn Kids furniture hold up as well as this all has! The finish usually gets destroyed after a few years, in my experience, and this is all quite pristine. But the style of the beds (and matching nightstand…and matching dresser) is one of many factors that has this bedroom stuck in nursery mode.


There is said dresser, just begging me to put some new hardware on it. And the light fixture? It’s cute and feminine for sure, but its expiration date has arrived.



The room was really set up for one bed – and that bed’s headboard would be against the wall above, which makes the sconces floating in the middle of nowhere make a little more sense (a little…they are awfully high, especially for this type of light). My client also set up the room initially with just one bed when they moved in nearly seven years ago, but when the girls showed a clear preference for sharing a room for sleeping, the other daughter’s bed was moved in, and creates a bit of a layout challenge. What became of that other bedroom then, I wondered?



Ah – interesting! A most excellent discovery. I spied a happy turquoise Jenny Lind bed on the un-slept-in third floor. I asked my client (well, her mom 🙂 ) if she’d be open to moving out the white PB Kids beds, and buying a second, matching happy turquoise Jenny Lind bed, and she said YES! Happy dance!

With this starting point in mind, I pulled together a scheme that I presented just yesterday, and got a big thumbs up from the client (all of them!). So…here’s where we are at!

With many of the basic elements in place (I’ll go into more detail next week!), we have a couple of critical decisions to make pretty quickly. One is the general layout of the space, and the other is…where are we going to put the wallpaper?


I am thrilled to have the support of Osborne & Little, one of my absolute favorite sources for beautiful fabric and wallcoverings, for this round of the ORC. Their Benvarden wallpaper is my muse and checks off all the important boxes – feminine, whimsical, stylized, colorful, and bold. My initial thought was to put it on the ceiling, but it may work as an accent wall behind the beds, if we move them to the wall with the sconces (and relocate or remove) the sconces). Decisions, decisions!


That’s my Week 1 update! Please stay tuned for next week, when I’ll take a deeper dive on the layout quandary and how we’ll decide which way to go, as well as lighting decisions (so critical to the success of a space!).

In the meantime, let’s all hop over to Calling it Home to check out what the 20 sponsored bloggers and who-knows-how-many guest participants are working on this season. I’m so happy I’m not watching from the sidelines, and can’t wait to see this room come together over the next six weeks.

Keep following the progress of this, #KRIProjectSisterAct, on Instagram, Facebook, or by subscribing to this blog, Interiors for Families. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!


Promotional consideration for this One Room Challenge has been provided by Osborne & Little. The opinions expressed within are my own.


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