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One Room Challenge Week 4: Inching Closer

One Room Challenge Week 4: Inching Closer | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Welcome to Week 4 of the One Room Challenge! Participants completely transform a space in just six weeks, documenting the process on their blogs while the world looks on, and revealing a brand new room at the end (hooray!). I am tackling a client space as an ORC for the first time – a shared girls’ bedroom that’s getting a colorful, whimsical and more ‘grown-up’ makeover they can grow with. My Week 1Week 2, and Week 3 posts will get you all caught up!

This post is going to be more brief than usual, as I’m up against a client deadline and have a long night ahead of me as I write this on Wednesday. Also, there isn’t too too much that happened over the past week – though I do have my first progress shots of the room! And, unfortunately, another dose of harsh reality regarding something that’s not going to make it in time for the photo shoot and reveal :(.

First thing’s first – the painters and electrician have each paid a visit and worked some magic already!

The walls (except for the one being wallpapered) are freshly painted Benjamin Moore Lime White, which coordinates oh-so well with the ground color of the Osborne & Little Benvarden wallpaper. It will also allow me to introduce some punchy color in artwork and accessories and still look more mature. I also love the mix of the crisp white trim and the more putty-like wall color. These two colors will repeat themselves often in the room.

It just occurred to me that I’ve never addressed the draperies. I am not changing them – they are a light green and off-white ticking stripe, custom made, and one does not just throw away custom draperies (because $$$$$). I suspected they’d look less green once the wall color changed, and I still think I’m right on this. There will be a couple of subtle green accents to ensure everything is simpatico in the room, but I really think they’re blending quite nicely now.

The decals and sconces have been removed from the feature wall, which will be wallpapered (on Monday/Tuesday).

And the wallpaper is in! Amazing how fast something can arrive all the way from the UK. There are few things that give me greater pleasure than opening up a box of neatly packaged and shrink-wrapped rolls of wallpaper.

I was at High Point this past weekend, and had the opportunity to ‘visit’ some of the things I had selected (sight unseen, as I often do source) for the girls. The nightstand, which hopped on a truck yesterday, was at Bungalow 5 but not in the finish we are using, so I didn’t take a picture.

The bedding I mixed and matched from Pine Cone Hill looks amazing together – I can’t wait to dress the beds in it (I can wait for the steaming and ironing though…styling and de-wrinkling bedding for a photo shoot ranks as one of my all-time least favorite things to do….but the result is more than worth it!). I love doing business with a company headquartered here in Massachusetts, where they design all their products – and ship them very quickly!

At the Cyan Design showroom, I spied our light fixture, which I have to say looks pretty incredible illuminated. Sometimes those turned-off catalog images don’t give you a real sense of what the fixture looks like when the lights are turned on. The angels were singing!

And then I walked underneath it. Gah! Wow, this is a stunner. I cannot wait to see it installed.

And it will be…soon – it just arrived on Wednesday (yesterday)!

OK, now for the bad news. If you read last week, you know that my main/focal artwork is not going to make it on time for the reveal. Now I will add the fun table lamp to that list. Also, I figured out what I wanted to incorporate for storage, but can’t order it because it won’t arrive on time. So now I’m on the hunt for a reasonable substitute.

In true ORC fashion, pretty much everything will happen next week, in the few days leading up to the photo shoot. The big furniture/rug install is next Thursday; I’ll also be hanging art that day, accessorizing, and styling to get things ready for the photo shoot on Friday the 5th. Lots to do and not much time left to do it, but one way or another, I will have a girls’ bedroom to share with you at the Week 6 reveal!

Thank you to Linda at Calling it Home, as always, for providing the venue and all the motivation to get all of this stuff done in a timely fashion. Check out the featured bloggers and guest participants as they approach the One Room Challenge finish line…and come back next week for some pre-install updates, and then of course on Thursday, May 11th for the big reveal!


Annie Selke (parent company of Pine Cone Hill) and Osborne & Little have provided discounted and/or free product in support of this One Room Challenge project.

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