10 Fun Ways To Display Kid Art In Your Home

When you have children ‘of a certain age,’ there is nothing more precious or meaningful than the copious works of art they produce in school projects, at-home activities, birthday parties, etc.  My little man is only 9 1/2 months old and is not yet wielding the crayon and marker, but I have to say I’m really looking forward to this phase.

Here are some great ideas for elevating your frame-worthy kid’s art to the level of…art!

Mud Room Kid Art

Kids Art on Clipboards

Clothesline of Kids Art

Wall to Wall Kids Art

Kids Art White Frame Gallery

Turquoise Kids Art Gallery

Divider Screen with Kids Art

Kids Art Display on Ledges

Kids Art Collage with Pictures and Personalization

Kids Art Pinboard

Photo Sources:
1. emilyaclark.blogspot.com
2.  cleanandscentsible.blogspot.com
3. Apartment Therapy
4. Martha Stewart
5. Apartment Therapy
6. Simply Stated (Real Simple blog)
7. playbasedlearning.com.au
8. centsationalgirl.com
9. jengrantmorris.blogspot.com
10. Houzz

Posted in

Kelly Rogers


  1. nrflotteron on May 11, 2012 at 9:10 AM

    Love it! Great ideas to share the most beautiful art work in a home!

    • Kelly R. - Interiors For Families on May 11, 2012 at 10:43 AM

      Thanks! I’m especially excited about jazzing up my future mudroom with my son’s future masterpieces :). And I loved the clipboard idea, too – so easy to change out!

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