The Plan: My Carriage Barn Design Studio

The Plan: My Carriage Barn Design Studio | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

I started Kelly Rogers Interiors in 2012 in the third floor ‘bonus room’ of our then-condo, at a quaint little desk nestled into a dormer, a file drawer, and a small bookshelf. In 2013, when we moved into our current home, I upgraded to a real home office – a whole room to myself (heaven!),…

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One Room Challenge – Week 6: Manbrary Reveal

One Room Challenge Fall 2015: Manbrary Reveal | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

I’m so pleased and proud to announce that the Manbrary is now officially open for business. It was a close one, but thanks to more than a few exceptional vendors and partners, I finished on time to reveal it to you today! We made a HUGE leap forward from last week. My husband and I…

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One Room Challenge – Week 5: The Final Sprint

One Room Challenge - Week 5 | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Last time I took the One Room Challenge, back in the spring of this year, I had finished before the end of Week 5, and dedicated that week’s post to a “behind the scenes” of my photo shoot for the Week 6 reveal. I was done, in just about four weeks. This round looks a little…

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One Room Challenge – Week 4: Injury to Insult

One Room Challenge - Week 4 | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

I had a long post planned for this week’s One Room Challenge update, but a nasty little virus visited me on Wednesday morning (and not a respiratory one…), and resigned me to the fetal position for the vast majority of the day. I’m almost horizontal as I write this, while I have a brief break in the…

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One Room Challenge – Week 3: A Boring Color Goes Bold

One Room Challenge - Week 3 "Before" | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Welcome to ORC Week 3! If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you are welcome to get up to speed by checking out my Week 1 and Week 2 posts. Well, “real” stuff is finally happening in the Manbrary. We got the room fully cleared out over the weekend, and for one all-too-brief morning,…

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One Room Challenge – Week 2: What is a Manbrary?

One Room Challenge Fall 2015, Week 2 - Fabrics | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Although but a week has passed since the One Room Challenge, the brainchild of Linda at Calling it Home, began, it’s like three years in ORC time. In all seriousness, though, we are now at the week 2 mark – a full 1/3rd of the way through this thing. Wait…whaaaat? Last week I shared some pretty iffy…

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One Room Challenge – Week 1: Let’s Go!

One Room Challenge Fall 2015 - BEFORE | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Aaaaand we’re back! It’s kind of sad that I haven’t blogged much – OK, only ONCE, since the last One Room Challenge. I could go on about how I’m so busy with client work and family stuff, but let’s just get down to business, shall we? For the uninitiated, the One Room Challenge was founded…

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The Mail Organization Project: Stage 1 – Recognizing the Problem

Mail Box

I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions for 2012. But if I had, I would have resolved to get my family’s mail situation under control. The sheer volume of catalogs, credit card solicitations, statements, political mailings (don’t ask!), and even the occasional personal greeting that arrives at our home each day is staggering. I don’t…

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