My Tips for Creating a Welcoming, Functional Entryway

Last month, my vestibule, which I transformed as part of the Spring 2015 One Room Challenge, was featured in a new digital publication called Three Magazine – on the cover, no less!

Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families | 11/2015 Three Magazine Feature

Since this magazine is still up and coming, I’m guessing many of you (ok, probably none of you, excepting my mom and sister) caught it. Here is the article in its entirety. Tip: if it’s too small to read the text, you can click on the page images to expand in a new window.

Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families | 11/2015 Three Magazine Feature

Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families | 11/2015 Three Magazine Feature

Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families | 11/2015 Three Magazine Feature

Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families | 11/2015 Three Magazine Feature

The final page of the spread features some of my top tips for an entryway – be it a formal foyer, tiny vestibule, or more casual mudroom – that both looks great and functions fabulously. Check ’em out!

Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families | 11/2015 Three Magazine Feature

One very important tip that got left on the cutting room floor is how critical a good quality doormat is to minimizing the yucky stuff that inevitably comes in on the shoes of you and your visitors.


By the way, my high-gloss green front door is feeling especially festive during its inaugural holiday run! Now if that darned wreath would hurry up and arrive already…

One Room Challenge 5/2015 Week 6 Reveal | Interiors for Families | Kelly Rogers Interiors

I’d love to know what you’ve done to make your entryway special (and work hard for your family, too) – please do share your own tips and tricks!

Kelly Rogers


  1. Robin on March 21, 2016 at 8:39 AM

    Fantastic…….having just discovered your blog I’ve been straight to heaven….thank you for all the eye candy. I too have made a career shift and am on embarking on the path of following my passion. …home decor!! I look forward to following your blog.

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