The Plan: My Carriage Barn Design Studio

The Plan: My Carriage Barn Design Studio | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

I started Kelly Rogers Interiors in 2012 in the third floor ‘bonus room’ of our then-condo, at a quaint little desk nestled into a dormer, a file drawer, and a small bookshelf. In 2013, when we moved into our current home, I upgraded to a real home office – a whole room to myself (heaven!),…

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The Mystery of Grandma’s Vase

Green Vase - Bottom Close-up of Heart Detail

Do you have a family heirloom that’s probably not worth anything, but you just wished you knew something (anything) about it? I do, and I’m hoping someone out there on the interwebs can lift the shroud of mystery from one of my most prized possessions – my grandma’s green vase.

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