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Thanks to everyone who has provided me with support, feedback, and encouragement for the little endeavor that is Interiors for Families. Some folks have mentioned that they love to read the blog (blushing!) but don’t always know when I’ve posted something.

Good news – there are many ways to keep up with the latest and greatest on Interiors for Families!

  • Facebook. Our  page is now live! If you like us, well, then Like us, and you’ll see new blog posts (and more goodies) in your news feed, and be able to connect with me and other friends of IFF. I’d love to connect with you there, if that’s you’re preferred communication vehicle
  • Email and RSS. You can subscribe to the blog via RSS, if you’re into that sort of thing. Or if you’re a little bit old fashioned and a lot-o-bit lazy like me, sign up for email updates to get new posts delivered directly to your inbox. It’s the top link in the right utility bar on the homepage
  • Twitter. I tweet at g_rant2 on topics including interior design and decor, sports, pop culture, and marketing
  • Pinterest. Follow my (personal) Pinterest boards. I’m a moderate pinner, spending most of my time bookmarking pictures in my New Home Scrapbook!
  • WordPress. If you are a fellow WordPress user, simply click on “Follow” in the upper left of your screen. Basta!

Thanks again for your support, and I look forward to “seeing” you and sharing with you through your digital channel of choice!

Posted in

Kelly Rogers

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