Nursery Theme Thursday 3: Little Miss Sunshine

For this Nursery Theme Thursday, I had my mind set on doing a button-cute baby girl’s room – but I’m not, nor have I ever been, what you’d call a girly girl. So this week’s theme, Little Miss Sunshine, is my take on a decidedly feminine (and appropriately juvenile) nursery without the frills, ribbons and bows that make me a bit nervous.

When I say Little Miss Sunshine, you will surely think of:

Little Miss Sunshine


Abigail Breslin - Little Miss Sunshine

Actually, this theme is inspired by neither. I could have just as easily called it Good Day Sunshine (mmm more Beatles ideas!). Or You Are My Sunshine. Or Sunshine, Lollypops and Rainbows. Or Let The Sunshine In. But this is a baby girl’s room – hence, Little Miss Sunshine.

Nursery Theme Thursday - Little Miss Sunshine

I did not think we should go too crazy with the sun, so you only see it in a couple of places – in a “You Are My Sunshine” print (sans the more melancholy lyrics), and a handmade braided rug from Etsy seller Green At Heart Rugs that evokes a brilliant sun in a clear blue sky. Instead of repeating the sun, other elements come in that you’d associate with a sunny day – birds, rainbows, flowers, etc. The cloud wall decals are inexpensive and easy, and your baby will love to look at their cute faces. They are genetically wired to be attracted to faces – cool, huh?

I just love this bedding set from Land of Nod. It is feminine without being over-the-top girly. I couldn’t find a good picture without the bumpers, but please note you do not need crib bumpers and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against using them.

Some folks will no doubt question my choice of a blue paint color. I love blue as a gender-neutral color – it’s all about what the rest of your palette does to denote gender (if that’s what you want to do, of course)! And there are a million shades, including aquas, which definitely skew more female. Not to mention it is just a logical choice – after all, the sky is blue, and that’s where the sun “lives.”

I hope your Thursday is as sunny as mine promises to be; it’s a beautiful day in the Boston area!

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Kelly Rogers


  1. auntie k on April 19, 2012 at 11:59 AM

    I really like this neutral theme…I agree, blue is not just for boys, especially in this theme! I like the colors and just word “sunshine” is so precious. Love the “you are my sunshine” frame!

    My nephew LOVES curious George, I’m wondering if I should attempt to do a nursery theme…but he’s sort of older now! hehehe

    My Thursday is just as sunny as yours, it’s a beautiful day in LA as well! 🙂

    • Kelly R. on April 19, 2012 at 9:06 PM

      Glad you like it! Curious George sounds cute – I’ll bet your nephew would love that. You could always do the things that are more ‘disposable’ (wall decals, pillows, etc.) as character-specific so you don’t have to re-do the entire room when he grows out of it and move to something else.

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