The Family Home 2012 Gift Guide

Interiors For Families Gift Guide 2012

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling very much behind on my holiday-related tasks. The past two weeks have been incredibly busy, and I’m only now sitting down to take care of sending our holiday cards, all the shopping, planning out my baking duties, and figuring out the meal I’ll serve my family when…

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Petal Pushing on Mother’s Day

Emily A. Clark Interiors

In honor of Mother’s Day, my first as a mom, I thought I would take the liberty of straying just a bit from this blog’s typical fare. But not too much. I’d love to give flowers to all of you mothers out there. But since I can’t, I am going to share with you some…

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What I’ve Learned About Countertops…and My Countertops

Costa Esmeralda Kitchen - Westborough Kitchens

Apologies to subscribers/followers if you saw an earlier version of this post – it was inadvertently published before it was complete! I’ve just completed what amounts to a crash course in countertops, as I’m in the midst of selecting them for our new home. I thought I would share some of my learnings, as well…

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10 Fun Ways To Display Kid Art In Your Home

Mud Room Kid Art

When you have children ‘of a certain age,’ there is nothing more precious or meaningful than the copious works of art they produce in school projects, at-home activities, birthday parties, etc.  My little man is only 9 1/2 months old and is not yet wielding the crayon and marker, but I have to say I’m…

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