Friday Family-Friendly Find: Stone Forest Copper/Stainless Steel Farmhouse Sink | Interiors for Families

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Stone Forest Copper/Stainless Steel Farmhouse Sink

By Kelly Rogers / October 27, 2017 /

As you likely already know, when it comes to kitchens, I am all about practicality. Which is probably why it’s never crossed my mind to incorporate a gorgeous, old-worldy copper sink into any of my designs. They are SO beautiful, but do require some special care if you want to maintain the finish in a…

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Day 196: Project 1896 (Our Home Renovation) – Major Progress & Minor Adjustments

By Kelly Rogers / October 24, 2017 /

It may be surprising to hear, but the drama (and, therefore, the stress level) is relatively low where our home renovation project is concerned (follow this link to read earlier posts!). Don’t get me wrong – things are moving along at a breakneck pace at this point. But, at this moment, just about everything seems…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Samsung The Frame | Interiors for Families

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Samsung The Frame

By Kelly Rogers / October 20, 2017 /

I have debated whether or not to write about this find for months. I love sharing finds with you all, but every once in a while, a discovery SO GOOD comes along, that I want to keep it all to myself…for at least a short time. When I saw a couple of blog mentions about…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Oomph Backgammon Table | Interiors for Families

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Oomph Backgammon Table

By Kelly Rogers / October 13, 2017 /

Friday has not been this much of a relief in a long time! I’ve been away from the blog for just a bit as I got through what I knew would be a challenging week or so, between the opening of show house (still open until November 5th!), and the prep and kickoff of Heading…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: The New Traditionalists Console No. 90 | Interiors for Families

Friday Family-Friendly Find: The New Traditionalists Console No. 90

By Kelly Rogers / September 29, 2017 /

A couple of years ago, I visited my sister in NYC (solo!!), and spent a Friday at the New York Design Center while waiting for her to wrap up work for the weekend. It was cool to visit showrooms and see lines we don’t have here in Boston, some of which also don’t show at…

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Day 168: Project 1896 (Our Home Renovation) - Cabs and Counters! | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Day 168: Project 1896 (Our Home Renovation) – Cabs and Counters!

By Kelly Rogers / September 26, 2017 /

I feel like I shouldn’t even be writing this at this moment – but I promised it last Thursday on Instagram, and I’m a woman of my word! My show house design partner and I are dealing with a lot of drama and anxiety related to the kitchen we have designed, which is supposed to…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: O&G Studio Hooks for Rejuvenation | Interiors for Families

Friday Family-Friendly Find: O&G Studio Hooks for Rejuvenation

By Kelly Rogers / September 22, 2017 /

Happy Friday! These days it’s been pretty tough to fit in the blog posts, and I’ve been writing them at funny times as a result. But I’m determined to keep up the twice-weekly frequency as much as possible. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I do writing (it may be hard to work…

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Day 161: Project 1896 (Our Home Renovation) - Color and Crises of Confidence | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Day 161: Project 1896 (Our Home Renovation) – Color and Crises of Confidence

By Kelly Rogers / September 19, 2017 /

Oops, I did it again. It’s kind of ironic that I sat down to write a post in part about color and that big blue ‘publish’ button did me in again. It somehow wooed me into sending my post live before I had typed a word. My apologies to email subscribers who received a blank…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Schumacher High Performance Silk Velvet | Interiors for Families

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Schumacher High Performance Silk Velvet

By Kelly Rogers / September 15, 2017 /

If there are two words in the world of decorating more diametrically opposed than “performance” and “silk,” I challenge you to come up with them. In fact, silk is so fraught with issues – lack of abrasion resistance, brittleness/deterioration when exposed to sunlight, vulnerability to ‘water stains,’ and extremely difficult to clean, just to name…

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Day 154: Project 1896 (Our Home Renovation) - Let's Go Outside | Kelly Rogers Interiors | Interiors for Families

Day 154: Project 1896 (Our Home Renovation) – Let’s Go Outside

By Kelly Rogers / September 12, 2017 /

As we approach ‘locked and loaded’ status for interior selections and orders for our home renovation, I am now turning my focus elsewhere – outside the house, to be specific. Even though I know and employ daily the elements and principles of design, when it comes to exterior design, my mind just shuts down. I…

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