My Custom Upholstered Chair – Concept to Reality

Family Room Textiles - Kelly Rogers Interiors

If you’ve been reading the blog for awhile, you’ve probably heard something about the drama surrounding our *almost* purchase of a new construction house, which ultimately fell through for a variety of reasons. This was after nearly a year of specifying and negotiating every finish and detail in the house. I even started decorating and…

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A Change Of Plans

You may have noticed I’ve been away from the blog for awhile. I’ve been on writing hiatus while we’ve been focusing on some personal business. For months – heck, for nearly a year I’ve been blogging about “our new house,” and the process of designing and decorating it while construction has been ongoing.  I’ve spent…

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Color Design in Our Master Bathroom

Polished Nickel Faucet, Crema Marfil, Revere Pewter

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything about our new house. From a construction perspective, it’s about 99% complete, but there are a couple of things (which I won’t bore you with) that are currently standing in our way of being able to close and move in already. Despite the lack of progress in making…

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My Own Worst Enemy / Family Room Sneak Preview

Family Room Textiles - Kelly Rogers Interiors

One of the things that has surprised me about “going pro” is that I get much more excited about decorating other people’s homes than I do my own. And we are building a new house! Don’t get me wrong, I do like being able to have control over the process, but there are two big…

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Home For The Holidays


So, it’s official. We won’t be moving into our new home before Christmas. It’s ok – we’re really fine with that, even though I’m hosting a family gathering next weekend. It would have been nice to have enough space to sleep everyone in real beds and bedrooms instead of air mattresses, but fortunately my folks…

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The Elusive Finish Line (Our New House)

Costa Esmeralda Countertop on Gray Island

Some projects seem as though they might go on forever. It can be difficult to visualize the end state when everything is complete, and as you originally planned it. My new house is such a project. We always knew there was a high probability that construction delays would occur, so we haven’t yet put our…

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Building Blocks of Our New Kitchen

Upper Cabinets in Place

As many of you are already aware, we’re slowly approaching the finish line on a new construction home, which is generally believed to be completed sometime next month (note my full confidence in this assertion 🙂 ). I’ve been dropping by frequently to monitor progress, and I’ve learned a few things. 1.) Everything takes at…

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What I’m Watching This Week

Bills Parody Logo

It’s Sunday night and I’m contemplating a busy, yet exciting week ahead – here are some things I’m looking forward to most. 1.) Nursery Design Series on Honey & Fitz.  Dina over at Honey & Fitz has rounded up some of her favorite bloggers to share their creative nursery ideas on her blog throughout this…

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Going Gray: A Cautionary Tale

Yesterday, I finalized the paint colors for our entire house (the new one under construction), after weeks of agonizing over fan decks, large color chips, fabric swatches, and actual paint on the walls. I won’t bore you with the laundry list of all thirteen colors (fifteen if you count trim and ceiling), all Benjamin Moore, but…

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Construction Update & Sneak Peek

View from Kitchen to Family Room

Things finally seem to be moving along with our new house, which is under construction just across town. The hardwood floors are being laid, and most of the trim is in place. Our deck is also mostly finished, and interior painting and tile installation are up next. Here are a few snapshots from the past…

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