Friday Family-Friendly Find: Oomph Backgammon Table

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Oomph Backgammon Table | Interiors for Families

Friday has not been this much of a relief in a long time! I’ve been away from the blog for just a bit as I got through what I knew would be a challenging week or so, between the opening of show house (still open until November 5th!), and the prep and kickoff of Heading…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Schumacher High Performance Silk Velvet

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Schumacher High Performance Silk Velvet | Interiors for Families

If there are two words in the world of decorating more diametrically opposed than “performance” and “silk,” I challenge you to come up with them. In fact, silk is so fraught with issues – lack of abrasion resistance, brittleness/deterioration when exposed to sunlight, vulnerability to ‘water stains,’ and extremely difficult to clean, just to name…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Torlys EverWood LVT Flooring

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Torlys EverWood LVT | Interiors for Families

For the second consecutive week, I am featuring a flooring product as my #FFFFind. Coincidence? Not a chance. I’m locking in final flooring decisions on our home renovation right now, so what’s underfoot is currently on the brain. Today I thought I’d share a find I’ve used in a recent project, and will be using…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Merida Ultrafiber Sisal Carpet

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Merida Ultrafiber Sisal Carpet | Interiors for Families

I have long had a love-hate relationship with sisal. Love: Look Texture Layers beautifully Natural Don’t Love: Stains Like, don’t even bother trying to clean it…it’s never coming out I’ve used sisal very infrequently for this reason, and haven’t used it at all in the past few years. And, until a few weeks ago, I…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: CR Laine Liv Daybed

Friday Family-Friendly Find: CR Laine Liv Daybed | Interiors for Families

This week’s find isn’t new to me, as it is a piece of furniture I used in a client project a couple of years ago. I’m working with the same client again on a new project (their very cool pool house), and she keeps telling me how beloved it is, especially by her teenage boys,…

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Friday Family-Friendly Find: Land of Nod Squared Up Step Stool

Friday Family-Friendly Find: Land of Nod Squared Up Step Stool | Interiors for Families

If you have (or had) small children, odds are you’ve got one or several plastic step stools scattered throughout your house. They perform a very important task – helping kids do things independently, like go to the bathroom, wash their hands, reach items in their closet or dresser, help in the kitchen, etc. Unfortunately, however…

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